Senior feature: Soren Creed

Katie Reynolds, A&E Editor

Not everyone is sure of their plan for after graduation, but that does not mean taking a gap year is unproductive or lazy. Taking a gap year can be a great opportunity to travel and spend time with yourself while contemplating the future. Senior Soren Creed is taking advantage of this opportunity.

“I don’t have anywhere in mind currently (for school), I’m going to just take a year off or maybe go somewhere eventually, I’m going to figure it out later this year,” Creed said. “I’m planning on working mainly this summer and maybe traveling solo a bit.”

There are many possibilities for Creed’s future travels.

“I’m currently saving up money to go to ideally Sweden, but I’m just really going wherever I feel like going at the time I suppose! No plans are set in stone, it would be nice however,” Creed said.

Creed enjoys illustrating and eventually wants to go to school for it.

“I want to be an illustration major and I’ll eventually go to school for that somewhere out of state, I want to eventually be a children’s book illustrator!” Creed said.

Creed’s passion for illustration has earned her a nomination for the Artizen’s award, her portrait of fellow senior Piper Muller has been entered.

“I like drawing in my free time and hanging out with my pets!” Creed said.